We use AI to find the best place to eat near you, wherever you are. FindAMeal combines the data of multiple food review providers and your personal preferences to find new restaurants and cafes for you.
No more going over hundreds of different websites, apps, and checking all other sources to find a place to eat, we'll find you the best place to eat in one place!
The best Pizza with a cozy, charming, nice view to the lake in town
Rooftop with live music, a nice view for drinks after work with friends
Fancy dinner restaurant for two, cozy, romantic ambience, nice wine, and nice music
FindAMeal uses AI to interpret your search, which means that you can query for anything you’d like, from ‘find me the best date spot around’ to ‘pick a fancy restaurant for my birthday which serves steak’, we got you covered.
To provide the best recommendation possible we aggregate information from multiple restaurant data providers, such as Google, Yelp, and Foursquare, as well as from social media, the result is the perfect recommendation for you, wherever you are.
and more...
Experience the best that AI restaurant search can offer, download the app today!